I have a friend that is color blind and the only golf balls he'll use are yellow golf balls. Particularly the Volvik yellow golf balls. This begs the question, are yellow golf balls easier to see, or...
Category: Tips
I have a par 3 course about 6 miles away from where I live and during the summer my friends and I can usually be found playing there once a week. The course is actually in town and the owner could...
Remember when you first got your gold driver? All brand new and freshly bought, the sleek wood, bold leather, and the smart steel plate are a sight I can't ever forget! However, after a couple of...
How to Hit Out of the Rough in Golf: Tips, Strategy, & Club Selection
Ideally every shot you hit would land in the fairway or on the green, but this just isn't the case, and on occasion you'll find yourself hitting from the rough. The key to hitting out of the rough...
If you’re someone struggling with consistent ball striking, slices, hooks, or any other swing fault in your golf swing, then a good place to start fixing those problems could be your swing plane....
Have you recently developed an interest in golf and are spending your leisure hours binge-watching golf lessons, all in order to learn how to crush a driver straight and far? While it might help you,...